
Coral jewelry’s photography


Coral jewelry’s photography project was an under taking of 40+ photos taken of jewelry following a set
theme and requirements best suited for the clients purposes.
The clients products and brand identity required a “Tropical sea” theme with set decorations of corals and
related objects.
This project was completed in partnership with elevoid on site at a location of the clients choosing which required for the equipment
and rigs needed for the completion of the project to be modified and adapted for the space, as the
locations size and working dimensions could not accommodate the full volume of the equipment needed.
Another major challenge of this project was the management of lighting systems and other shooting
conditions to ensure the pristine and natural shine and reflections on the jewelry and overcoming the
difficulties that come with capturing delicate and unforgiving products as well as matching our own and
our clients standards.
Coral jewelry’s photography completed project; which not only included product photography but general art direction of the
marketing material for brand identity was completed in a short span of time to match with the clients
deadline of having their products being marketed in a national jewelry catalog as well as it being released
for digital platforms.

While following the requirements and specifications of the clients we were able to provide Coral jewelry
with the marketing material suited for widespread exposure in form of print and digital media as well as
unifying their hard work and design under a clear art direction that best represents them and their
